active referrals in affiliate networks

Effective Ways to Get Active Referrals in Affiliate Networks

Acquiring referrals in affiliate networks is really very simple. But it is worse with getting actually active referral or users, not just curious people. 

The referral system works in most affiliate programs and affiliate networks. Thanks to it, each user is able to build a kind of “passive profit” – i. e earn a certain percentage of the earnings of people recommended by him (the so-called referrals). Read also to earn extras cash from SOCIAL MEDIA EXCHANGE & EARN MONEY

In this post, you will learn effective ways to get active referrals. This methods will also prove useful in other areas in which you build your structures – e.g. in the so-called network marketing, i.e. the MLM model (multi level marketing). 

active referrals in affiliate networks

What is the referral system?

The referral system is actually a standard in various types of affiliate networks, partner programs and profit-making websites. 

A common feature of all tools of this type is the possibility of recommending the website through your unique affiliate link ( viral marketing element ), and then obtaining a commission on the earnings of people obtained in this way (downline). 

It does not mean that referrals lose anything from someone’s link (reflink) when registering. You get paid as much as you would get when registering with empty links. 

The generated commission is an addition that in 99% of cases does not deduct anything from your earnings .

active referrals in affiliate networks

How to get active referrals in affiliate networks?

There are many methods and possibilities of reaching people. However, my experience shows that the vast majority of possible actions are simply a waste of time. 

The basic mistake is posting your offers and ads in places that have nothing to do with earning money. In this way, you can generate registrations in affiliate networks, even there can be a lot of them – but unfortunately these are just empty registrations from curious people. 

To get active referrals, your ads should target people already interested in earning money online. People who have nothing to do with e-earning will treat it as an ordinary curiosity. 

The golden method is to let yourself be found instead of going out to interested people yourself. Thanks to this, there is no need to waste time translating and persuading.

Below are the 6 methods by which you reach people who are already interested in earning money on the Internet and they can be your active referrals in affiliate networks.

1. Presentation of a profit-making website as the first person on Money Making Forum

i. e introducing a given website to the forum community. On the forums of and, anyone can describe a given earning website and give their reflink in the subject. It is effective and proven way to get active referrals in affiliate networks.

A very big disadvantage is the fact that you have to be the first, which is difficult on such large forums, but it is not impossible (because someone is always the first). 

Remember that there are more forums about earning money and your activity in relation to the search for referrals should not be limited only to these two.

2. Offering Mentoring or Simply Tutorials in Exchange for a Record

This is the way that can bring more active referrals in affiliate networks for you. The person registering from the link does not really lose anything (unless the referral system is poorly constructed), he can only gain a guide – or even permanent mentoring. 

If you decide to do so, you should ensure the highest quality of your materials. Your referrals should be satisfied with the services, guides, and answers to questions received. Then they will actively earn money, and additionally recommend your services to other interested people. 

Offering poor quality materials is a shot in the foot – the possibility of negative comments.

3. Paid advertising – Effective way to get active referrals in affiliate networks.

As the name suggests, it is about buying ads. These can be banners on blogs, forums and any other monetization sites. It can be advertising mailing (remember to target ads to a group already interested in earning money on the Internet), as well as sponsored entries. 

Based on experiences, I can certainly recommend mailing on GPTR websites. People who receive these ads are a group interested in earning money on the Internet – after all, they receive emails for that. You can read more about this method here .

4. Free guides – Effective way to get active referrals in affiliate networks

Another method is to create and post on forums about earning free earning guides. 

The theoretical concept is that people visiting your topic will start using the method you describe and will register with your link as a gratitude. 

Hard to say to what extent this concept works in practice, because unfortunately we are not able to count what percentange of people will not register with a reflink.

It is certain, however, that if you create a good guide and keep it up-to-date. It will not disappear from the forum and will be visited by new people all the time. In my opinion, this way we can only gain. You should not worry about people who will not register under you on the websites. They won’t, it’s not – it’s hard. 

The bottom line is that there are people who will register, and that’s what we care about.

5. Free mini e-books – A Effective way to get Active referrals in affiliate networks

I mean PDF tutorials aimed at a larger group of people. Such a mini-e-book should convey practical knowledge and convince you to earn in a specific way on a given website. 

Reflinks can be masked very easily by using only hyperlinks. 

To create such a mini-ebook, all you need is a microsoft word or a lady open office (save the file as PDF). 

You are probably wondering how to reach potential referrals with your ebook? Well, it is quite easy – just download our guides, for example, on chomikuj (warez and torrents are also available) and let interested people find it themselves. 

An e-book like this will stay on the internet. Additionally .. exactly the same tutorial can be thrown under different names – as much as possibleexpand your target group (but remain within the scope of making money online).

6. Keeping a work journal and / or a blog about earning money and / or youtube channel

I personally run a work journal on and practically from the beginning of my earning money on the Internet. 

This method (similarly also blog) allows you to use the so-called “Influence marketing”. 

Your readers, seeing how you are doing, will – in theory at least – follow in your footsteps. 

A work journal, blog, youtube channel, fanpage and other social media are great places to advertise yourself. 

Potential referrals, on the other hand, are people who will find you themselves and become interested in the subject of earning just like you.

Final Thoughts

Attempts to reach out to random people are unfortunately doomed to obtain registration only from curious people and it will not bring active referrals in affiliate networks for you.

Therefore, monetization ads are a good idea, especially for people who are already interested in it. 

I consider trying to search for active referrals among random people a waste of time. 

In the text, I listed 6 methods available to everyone for getting referrals in affiliate networks and partner programs. 

If you want to build a structure, I encourage you to implement them, because it’s worth it. 

The text will also be useful for people working in network marketing, i.e. MLM systems.

Passive Income from referrals in affiliate networks is a myth?

Earning money on the Internet, in affiliate networks is not only the opportunity to advertise the CPA offers there. It is also an opportunity to recommend the very possibility of earning money on a given website – using the referral system.

The system of referrals is actually a standard in various types of partner programs and other profit-making websites. 

Read the explanation how it works. What are the differences between such systems. Profitability of investing time (and maybe money) in collecting referrals. 

How does the referral system work in affiliate networks?

A common feature of all tools of this type is the possibility of recommending the website (as a profitable opportunity) through your unique affiliate link (referrer). And then obtaining a commission calculated on the earnings of people obtained in this way – purely passively.

It does not mean that the referrals lose anything when registering from our link (reflink). They earn the same as they would earn when signing up from empty links. 

The generated commission is an addition that in 99% of cases does not deduct absolutely anything from your earnings.

This 1% are websites in which referrals earn less if they are subscribed to someone. Such websites are not even worth considering in the context of earning referrals online. It simply will not work – in the end, everyone will count that they will earn more without you.

Concepts related to earning on referrals:
– downline, refferal, ref – a person registered with us; generating a passive commission

– upline – person registered above us; receiving a commission on our earnings
– crossline – a person operating on the same website, with whom we have no connection

It is worth realizing that such a system plays completely different roles for the user recommending the website, not recommending the website, and for the administration. Below, I briefly discuss the perspective of each of these

User recommending the website – promoter – mentor

Such a person treats the referral system and acting in it as an investment. 

Expects that the contribution made to the promotion will pay off in the future. She wants the commission to be as high as possible and the system to have as many levels as possible. 

The recommending user also often incurs financial costs related to the promotion. For example, he buys advertising mailings on GPTR websites (you can read about why it is profitable in terms of looking for referrals here ). 

In addition to the number of referrals, he also cares about their quality, so he may – but does not have to – offer mentoring or provide his referrals with various guides.

User not recommending the website

Here I mean a person who earns money online, generates high turnover and does not plan to build a network of referrals. 

From her perspective, in some cases, the referral system (if it is signed under someone) is a limiting factor – namely, it prevents her from negotiating higher rates – or at least that’s what some affiliate programs call it. 

A properly designed system will not cause such a conflict of interest of individual groups. 

The referral system from the perspective of this person should be something unimportant, not disturbing in anything. 

Therefore, I believe that creating a system in which a person subscribes to someone loses% of their own money is pointless. For everything to run smoothly, there must be no conflicts.

Administration of the profit-making website

The referral system is a free marketing tool ( viral marketing element  ). The administration wants the system to generate as many new partners as possible. And at the same time does not want it to discourage the best earners. 

Here there is a conflict in which you need to find an optimal solution. Unfortunately, not every service is able to reduce its own unit profit to improve the conditions of partners – and this is the “optimal solution”. 

The expenditure on the referral system is actually an expenditure on marketing. An investment, not a cost.

Earning on referrals – what to pay attention to?

Which you must pay attention to, in a well-designed system of referrals, registering from someone’s link does not mean that anything is lost. You get paid as much as you would get when registering with empty links. 

The generated commission is an addition that does not subtract anything from your earnings. If it subtracts – this referral system is not worth your commitment or even attention. You will only waste time promoting it.

Other differences include:

1. Method of identifying registered partners

The two most common methods of identification are “postback” and “cookies”. 

“Postback” works as follows – if someone enters our reflink and registers, the system will assign this person to our account (as our downline). 

The problem is that if the person entering our link, instead of registering, simply remembers the address of the website and will enter it only in a few days, he will not become our referral – despite the fact that he has registered, which is impossible hide, thanks to us.

This solution is by far the most cost effective for the affiliate program organizer, making it very common too. 

It should also be remembered that some Internet users have disabled cookie collection in their browsers – so to monetize them, postback is necessary.

The scenario described with the postback system, in the partner program based on cookies, would look completely different. 

Let’s assume that, as before, we advertise our reflink, but this time – even when a potential referral resigns from immediate registration and does it only in a few days – it will still be assigned to us. 

The whole thing is that anyone who enters our affiliate link will be “infected” (in the positive sense of the word) with a cookie. Thanks to this file, the registration of this person will be assigned to us and we will get a referral. 

This will not happen only if the cookie is replaced, expires, the person concerned has cookies turned off in the browser or clears the cookies before making a purchase.

The principles of identification based on cookies may also differ. Depending on the program, such files are replaceable / non-removable and have different validity periods.

I wrote more about the methods of identification in the entry: ” Identification of partners – postback, cookies and related abuse (cookie stuffing) “

2. Number of levels in the system

There are many understatements and over-interpretations here, so it is worth discussing it in more detail. 

The most popular is the 1-tier system. In this model, the earnings of our referrals are no longer included in the commission received – only the self-earned money of people registered directly under us count.


Jacek registers under Mateusz, and Mateusz under Bartek (Jacek -> Mateusz -> Bartek). The website has a 1-level referral system with 5% commission. Each of them earns $100.

Jacek is not registered under anyone, so he only receives his $100.

Mateusz has a referral (Jacek), so he receives $100 + 5% x$100 (commission on Jacek’s earnings), i.e. $105

Bartek has a referral (Mateusz), who received a total of $105. The system of referrals, however, does not take into account the commission on commission – it only takes into account% of the money you earn yourself. Bartek receives$100 + 5% x $100 (commission on Mateusz’s earnings), i.e. also $105.

However, some websites have introduced several tier systems. Here, however, there is also no commission fee – only the “naturally” earned money counts.


Jacek registers under Mateusz, and Mateusz under Bartek (Jacek -> Mateusz -> Bartek). The website has a 2-level referral system with 5% commission. Each of them earns $100.

Jacek is not registered under anyone, so he only receives his $100 PLN.

Mateusz has a referral (Jacek), so he receives PLN $100 + 5% x $100 (commission on Jacek’s earnings), i.e. $105

Bartek has a referral (Mateusz), who received a total of$105. The system of referrals, however, does not take into account the commission on commission – it only takes into account% of the money you earn yourself. 

The system is two-level, so Bartek receives his $100+ 5% x $100 (commission on Mateusz’s earnings) + 5% x $100 (commission on Jacek’s earnings), i.e. PLN $110.

3. Ability to change accounts

Can the user investing in the promotion and collecting referrals be sure that these people will always be “under him”? 

Not always, because in most websites you can ask for an overvoltage to someone else at any time. 

At first glance, it might seem that the website does not care for the group of users recommending the website. 

Because where is the logic here for people to want to advertise and bear the costs of this advertisement, since the acquired users can disconnect at any time?
But here is the logic. Well, by allowing this type of action, websites limit multi-accounts and the mess it creates. 

If someone wants to change the upline – they will do it anyway. He can register a second account and even if the website prohibited entering the same data for the second account, it would set it up for e.g. a brother or sister. So the possibility of re-switching is not that demonic.

Rather, hardly anyone unfastens / unfastens – because there is no interest in it, nothing is lost on being registered under someone. 

As long as the website does not make the user’s rate dependent on whether he is subscribed to someone or not – everyone will be satisfied. In most cases, there is nothing to worry about the possibility of changing over.

4. The role of referrals

There are websites where referrals are referrals only – i.e. generate external sales. But it may also be the case that they are also clients. In the latter case, in addition to the traditional role of referrals, we also receive a commission on their own purchases (on the basis of “perpetual commission”).

Eternal commission – “ Some affiliate programs and affiliate networks offer so-called “Eternal commission”. In this model, the customer is assigned to a specific publisher (through which he made the purchase) at the time of the first transaction. From that moment on, a given publisher will always receive a commission for each subsequent transaction of this client. This model allows you to build the so-called “Passive profit”. 

Is earning on referrals a passive income?

Straight from the bridge – in the vast majority of cases, earning on referrals is unfortunately UNPENSIVE. Referrals change websites, quit e-earning and have variable earnings. How long it will sustain this passive income based on the referral can not be guarantee.


In order for the website to be worth promoting, it should bear the costs of the referral system and not make partner rates dependent on them. 

The system of referrals is to play the role of a “marketing department”, so the administration should make every effort to make promoters spend money looking for referrals. 

Although I find it unprofitable to fully dedicate myself to “earning on referrals”, having an opportunity is worth getting referrals. 

This is always extra money – unfortunately, it will not be a long-term passive profit. Passive profit of referrals is a myth and utopia

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