virtual assistant jobs from home no experience

Some people are dissatisfied in their 9 to 5 job or would like to earn some money on the side without experience. In my opinion, Virtual Assistant jobs from Home with no Experience is ideal for them.

Do you know?

In the course of digitization, many traditional professions have gradually disappeared – but in return, many new jobs have also been created and virtual assistance is one of them.

In this article we explain virtual assistant jobs from home with no experience and where you can find these jobs.

Apart from this we will also discuss what virtual assistance does, which tasks it takes on and for which customer groups it is suitable, tips for working as a virtual assistant and who needs a virtual assistant.

How to start as a virtual assistant jobs from home no experience and without prior knowledge

You can do many VA tasks without any prior knowledge or specific training. These tasks include, for example:

  • Research of information
  • Maintaining content on websites and social media pages
  • Answering inquiries, e-mails and comments according to a defined standard
  • Maintenance of social media accounts
  • Translations
  • These tasks are also the first to be outsourced by clients.

What tasks or Jobs can a virtual assistant take on from home with no experience?

For the time being, there are no limits to the distribution of tasks for virtual assistants. 

Anything that can be done using digital communication and information technologies and regardless of spatial proximity can theoretically be taken over by a VA. Examples for this are:

Classic office management  

Numerous tasks that classic assistants perform can also be assigned to virtual assistants:

  • Recording of maintenance of data records
  • Creation of invoices and dispatch to customers
  • Coordination of appointments and general correspondence
  • Evaluation of data sets and reports
  • Creation of presentations

Online marketing  

Digitization not only creates the profession of virtual assistance – it even expands it:

  • Supervision of social media channels
  • Creation of content for the social networks
  • Community management of social media channels
  • Creation and management of social media ads
  • Coordination of advertising campaigns
  • Creation and management of websites and landing pages
  • Optimizing websites for SEO
  • Podcast episode transcription
  • Creation of show notes for podcast episodes
  • Cut, edit and upload YouTube videos


Customer service  

Good customer service is one of the hallmarks of a company. Time-consuming tasks can easily be taken over by a VA via telephone, email or chat:

  • Processing of complaints
  • Answering questions about the respective products and services
  • Support for new and existing customers
  • Acquisition of new customers

Private tasks  

Busy clients often don’t have time to take care of the little things of everyday life. This is where virtual assistants can help and organize life:

  • Update the calendar
  • Booking of private or business trips
  • Arrange appointments with, for example, doctors, craftsmen or the tax advisor
  • Reminders of important events such as birthdays or the wedding anniversary and order of suitable gifts

In addition, there are numerous other areas of activity that a VA can serve. It will be interesting to see how these will change and expand over time and with advancing digitization.

Social Media Assistant

If you are a social media junkie, it stands to reason that you become active in this area.

Social media is always very time-consuming, which is why bloggers and entrepreneurs are always looking for help to hand over tasks.

You should bring this with you:

  • You can pin, post, snap or tweet
  • Know the latest social media shit before it gets trendy
  • You are not unfamiliar with tools like Hootsuite

Blogger assistant

The bigger a blogger gets, the more work he gets to do. He has to keep his followers up to date and produce more and more content.

Many bloggers therefore take a VA because they simply cannot keep up with the times.

You should bring this with you:

  • WordPress experience
  • Write and edit posts
  • Proofreading
  • Create small graphics with Canva (super super easy!)
  • Answer and write emails

eCommerce assistant

The eCommerce and especially the Amazon FBA business is booming in Germany. The dealers are getting bigger and bigger and need support especially with support.

  • You should bring this with you:
  • Can create product descriptions
  • Answer e-mails
  • Customer support over the phone
  • Friendliness towards customers

Tips for working as a virtual assistant

Even if you are excited about every prospect who wants to work with you at the beginning of your VA career, you should choose your customers carefully . Above all, be careful not to sell yourself below value . 

You may just not please some customers. Then it makes sense to end the collaboration. As a VA, of course, you have to be absolutely reliable for your clients . 

This is especially true if you work from anywhere and you communicate via video calls and email. 

Here it is important that you lay down precise rules as to how certain processes should run . Some of the questions you should clarify include:

When exactly can you be reached by your customers?

How should certain tasks be done?

How long should certain tasks take?

You will have many questions, especially at the beginning of working with a customer. If something is unclear, you should n’t be afraid to get in touch with your client . 

As a virtual assistant, you have a high degree of responsibility . You should therefore support your customers as much as possible in organizing the tasks, especially if they themselves have not gained a lot of experience with outsourcing tasks. 

Useful tools for location-independent collaboration are, for example:

What technical equipment do I need as a virtual assistant?

To work as a virtual assistant, you need very little equipment. But you should be able to use some tools in any case. These things should always be available for your work:

  • Computer or a laptop
  • Internet connection
  • phone
  • Office package

With this basic equipment you are well prepared for the work as a virtual assistant. Without the basic equipment Virtual Assistant jobs from Home no Experience not be done.

If you want to do your work while you are on the move and thus more flexibly, a laptop and a powerful mobile phone are of course an advantage.

Do I need specific training as a virtual assistant?

The virtual assistant is not a training occupation. It is important that you are familiar with the areas of your job. 

Whether you have learned or studied these activities does not matter at all at first. 

Even without training, you can be successful in this field of activity. Because there are many different tasks that only require a good organizational talent, for example.

Who needs a virtual assistant?

Work mostly Start-ups and young companies together with virtual assistants. Marketing and web design tasks can easily be outsourced. 

And once the virtual colleagues have been trained and know the company’s requirements, their work is a great added value and very time-saving for the company. 

Founders in particular have little time and a long to-do list in the initial phase. Much remains. 

Mostly tasks that a virtual assistant can easily take on so that the founder can concentrate on the further development and the most important tasks of the company.

How do you start a virtual assistant job from home without prior knowledge and no experience?

In order to be able to become a virtual assistant you first need a computer or laptop, possibly also a telephone. 

You won’t get around a usable internet connection either. If you don’t want to work from home, internet cafés, coworking spaces or a mobile WLAN stick can help.

The basics of using the Microsoft Office package should be a matter of course for you. 

If you are also familiar with graphics programs and have mastered other software programs, your options for becoming a virtual assistant will expand many times over.

The activities of a virtual assistant already mentioned above only cover a part of what this profession has to offer you. 

You don’t have to be able to do all of these and it is also sufficient if one of the areas interests you very much. 

You can certainly quickly familiarize yourself with many of the areas. In most cases, no specific training is required to become a virtual assistant. 

But still, the more skills you have or acquire, the higher your chance of generating new and recurring jobs.

Please always keep in mind that you will not make a lot of money as a VA overnight. Hard work pays off like everywhere else in life.

Where to find virtual assistant jobs from home having no experience


Upwork is one of the best-known and largest English-language job portals. Companies hire millions of jobs every year. There are also special jobs for virtual assistants and you can create your profile for free.


Fiverr is particularly suitable as a side income or if you still have free capacity, it is worth registering with Fiverr. 

The areas are, for example, graphics, digital marketing, writing / translation and direct virtual assistance.

Fernarbeit is a job exchange for German virtual assistants. Companies post their job searches on the website free of charge and registered virtual assistants can apply for the advertised positions. 

You can also be contacted directly by companies via a small mini profile (with links to your own website, Facebook page and a few sentences about yourself). 

For virtual assistants, the service costs € 47 for 3 months. Termination is possible at any time.

Advantages: Visibility as a VA on the website for companies that can contact you directly. You pay less than € 16 per month for the service and receive your fee directly from the customer without any further charges.

Facebook groups

Here you can find job offers, network and introduce yourself personally if you are looking for new clients. There are numerous groups and depending on your specialization you will find suitable groups. Below you will find a small overview of German and English speaking groups that are very interesting for virtual assistants.


LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest platforms in the field of business, social networks. 

It is also one of the 20 most visited websites worldwide. You can set up your profile for free, have your activities rated, look for job offers, update your status yourself, etc.


Xing is the largest business network in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. You can also create a free account here. However, the free functions are quite limited.

Ebay classifieds

Another way to get noticed is to place ads directly. You can do that for free on Ebay, for example. This gives you a cheap alternative to advertising on Facebook.

I haven’t tried Ebay myself, but I’ve heard from some VA’s that they quickly found customers there.

You have the option of posting a photo, writing a text and entering your price on Ebay classifieds .

An interesting tip for you: I entered “virtual assistance” on Ebay to see a few VA profiles. 

You have the opportunity to see how often a profile has been clicked. The profiles with a crisp headline, a photo and a higher hourly wage were clicked more often than those with any photo, an inconclusive headline and a lower hourly wage.

So you know what is important and you don’t have to be below the other hourly wages for a potential customer to write to you.


You won’t find that many groups in Germany yet, but at least you will find a large selection. A look at the American groups is definitely recommended.

In the groups, the VAs exchange information on all problems and provide very important assistance. Very often VAs are even searched for for orders because another VA cannot accept them.

You will notice that many virtual assistants work part-time or have at least started that way.

So network with other VAs and take an active part in the group discussions.

Possibly. This creates relationships with other VAs that can be of use to you in the future.


If you are still in a permanent position, the subject of time always plays a major role for you.

Therefore try to be clear beforehand in which areas you would like to work as a VA or where you see your skills.

Of course, you can also try out other areas. But maybe you already know very well that you absolutely want to translate English technical texts or something similar.

What are the advantages of working as a virtual assistant?

The work of virtual assistants is of course not only beneficial for companies. As a virtual assistant, you too benefit enormously from this profession. Because this job offers you:

  • Great freedom in organizing your working hours
  • Permanent work in the home office
  • You can often determine your workload freely
  • Can determine and negotiate the amount of earnings
  • Always find new and exciting tasks
  • You can work with many different clients
  • You can work from practically anywhere in the world


Who hires a virtual assistant?

Because VAs can specialize themselves very well and set themselves up individually, their customer area is just as diverse – the following customer groups can, among other things, act as clients for virtual assistance:

Busy private individuals who need organizational support on a daily basis

Sole proprietorships who do not have a budget for a permanent assistant

Companies that need independent and flexible employees for a specific project

Managers who do not have personal assistance but still want to hand over time-consuming tasks

What is the difference between virtual assistants and freelancers?

freelancer mostly do their job full-time. Virtual assistants, on the other hand, can also work part-time. 

While freelancers usually take on more creative tasks, virtual assistants mostly work in administrative areas. 

In addition, most freelancers are experts in a certain area, while many virtual assistants take on tasks in various areas of a company.


A virtual personal assistant is someone who is not present at the company while he is working. 

The job is characterized by the fact that you can work from anywhere in the world. All you need is a laptop and a working internet connection.

The field of activity is broad and ranges from administrative work to creative tasks. 

A virtual assistant takes on tasks that cost the entrepreneur too much time and distract him from the core areas of his business.

If you work as a virtual assistant or want to become a virtual assistant, you have to register a business. 

If you only make a small profit, you can register a small business and pay no sales tax. Reliability and self-discipline are important qualities that you absolutely have to bring along. 

Only then will word of your performance get around and you will secure further orders for the future. 

Whether this profession is suitable for you ultimately depends on you – the advantages are definitely convincing!

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