Make Money On The Internet

Sitting comfortably at home and working. Watch as work flushes money from the sofa into your own cash register. Earning money on the internet of unlimited possibilities is the dream of many. And rightly so, there are enough serious options.

The profit margin for online home work ranges from a few cents a day to really lucrative part-time jobs where you can quit your main job!

  • Earn money fast
  • Build passive income
  • Tips

However, if you try everything that you stumble across on the net, you can fall on your face. We will introduce you to the best reputable opportunities, including a realistic assessment of the earning potential.

Earn money fast

With these methods everyone is really able to earn a few euros on the side . You cannot get rich through this work, but a small additional income is possible with free time management. No, or very little, preparatory work is necessary for the start.

1. Write texts

The opportunities to earn money as a copywriter on the Internet are quite lucrative. If you like to write and have good spelling skills, this is a great way to earn extra income. People are also look for a person to correct texts.

The advantages are very clear, absolutely free time management and no submission obligations. This means that you can write without any pressure.

With some providers you can write free texts, these are accepted and paid for according to the number of clicks on your text.

Another option is to select a write job from a large job pool. You write a text according to the specifications of a client. If your client is satisfied with the work delivered, you will be paid.

The amount of the remuneration depends on the number of words in the text. For example, you can register as a copywriter at, Textbroker or Clickworker and earn money online!

There is more information about  making money with texts here

2. Sell used items

You can earn very good money on the eBay auction platform, with millions of sales being made here every day.

But what is the best way to start? How should your ads be designed? What little things do you have to pay attention to? Which images can you use? What tools are there?

You see, there are a lot of questions. Getting into the Ebay world is not that difficult. To get started you need an Ebay account, this is free. The next step is to think about what you want to sell.

At the beginning, practically as an exercise, there are a few things that are no longer needed from the attic / basement. 

You should be clear in advance that doing business as an Ebay dealer is relatively time-consuming. 

If you have considered this, understood the basic functionality and know what to look for in your advertisements, nothing stands in the way of your career as an Ebay dealer.

Would you like to become an Ebay dealer? Here are 10 tips for Ebay sellers

3. Take online surveys

When searching for “earn money on the Internet” or “earn money online”, one often comes across sites with different survey providers. 

But why are surveys so popular? Quite simply, there is hardly any other method that can be started as quickly and easily.

Why do companies even conduct surveys?

Because these companies are about a lot of money. Developing a new product or being able to offer a new service can be very costly.

For this reason, companies are careful to analyze the market and tailor the products to the respective target group. Companies cannot afford to develop a product past the market and then to find no buyers.

By targeted questioning of the respective target group, companies can carry out a very precise market analysis. For this, companies pay millions to various survey institutes.

These institutes, in turn, have a great interest in finding as many participants as possible and pass on part of their income to the survey participants. Surveys are great for a small side income.

Here you can find out more about paid surveys  (including provider overview)

4. Become a product tester and earn money on the side

Test products and earn a few euros on the side. Your task is relatively simple. As a product tester, you will often receive a brand new product free of charge. Your task is to test this product in everyday life and to judge it using special criteria.

Product tester at work
Make Money On The Internet

The evaluation is mostly done by filling out simple checklists or a written feedback on certain problems. 

You are often allowed to keep the tested product, which in some cases represents a not inconsiderable value for the service you have provided.

In addition, you usually receive remuneration that ranges from one to fifty euros , depending on the company and product . Payment is made either in cash or in the form of bonuses or consumer vouchers.

Would you like to become a product tester? You can find more information here: Become a product tester and earn money

5. Sell your Facebook “likes”

Earn money quickly and easily? You get paid for every “Like” entry on FacebookAnyone with a Facebook account can earn money with Facebook. There are now some providers who pay for your “likes”.

Everyone has to decide for themselves whether bought likes or paid fans are serious. If you have no problem with buying and paying as a “fan”, then you can use this method to earn a little extra income on the Internet.

Learn more about paid likes here

6. Online Games – Earn money online with skill games

Another way to earn money on the side are so-called skill games. We are not talking about extremely dubious roulette offers, but about games such as puzzles, darts, skat, rummy and many others.

Skill games are online games of skill that most of us have already played at home. You can now play these online on the Internet and earn money in the process.

You compete against real players in skill gaming , luck only plays a subordinate role here. It really depends on how well you or your opponent master a game.

Most providers give you a little play money to start with to try out the different options for free. 

There are players who practice skill gaming as a real part-time job, but that is rather the exception and requires a lot of discipline and skill. But a little fun and a little pocket money is available for everyone here.

Warning: Skill gaming can be extremely addicting. Never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

The best-known providers of skill games are Skill7 and Gameduell .

Find out more about making money online games here

7. Watch Advertising – Paid4

Paid4 means “paid for” and is a way of making money online by watching advertisements. 

The earnings from pure Paid4 are not too high. In the meantime, however, Paid4 portals are offering more and more opportunities to earn money online.

Two classic among the Paid4 services are Neobux and Clixsense. In addition to the classic viewing of advertisements, you can also earn money there with surveys, mini-jobs, etc.

Neobux also offers the opportunity to build up a passive income.

Clixsense, on the other hand, is more suitable for earning a few euros on the side by taking part in online surveys.

So-called paid mails are another option. Depending on the provider, you will receive promotional emails one to several times a day. 

Usually, simply clicking on this advertising email is enough to get paid. Sometimes you also have to visit a website via a link in the paid mail to receive your credit.

Earning money with paid mails is almost effortless. But you won’t make a lot of money doing this. 

The rule here is that you should use several providers to get a few euros on the account.

More on the topic of ” Earning money with watching advertising”

8. Make money with clicks

Click what it takes and earn a few euros on the side. Regardless of whether it is advertising banners, likes, paid mails, surveys or the rating of products, there are so many ways to earn money on the Internet with clicks . 

The job is neither demanding nor particularly time-consuming, unfortunately this is also reflected in the earnings. More than a few euros more per month are not included.

Build passive online income

With these methods you are able to build a passive income . Earning a lot of money very quickly is not possible here. 

A lot of hard work and perseverance is required for sustainable success. How much you can earn with the opportunities mentioned cannot be said in general terms, but the potential is almost unlimited.

9. Create a website and make your money online

With your own website it is quite possible to make a lot of money on the Internet. Above all, you need a lot of hard work and perseverance.

In America, so-called blogs, a blog is comparable to a private online newspaper, are very popular and blogging is becoming more and more popular here too. 

Because blogs contain a lot of information, and new things are constantly being added, blogs are very popular with search engines like Google.

You can find out what options you have to earn money with your website in this article:  Create your own website and earn money with it

10. Affiliate Marketing: Get Your Readers To Buy

Affiliate marketing, also known as referral marketing, is a sales channel designed for the Internet. The best known partner in this area is Amazon.

This is how affiliate marketing works

As an affiliate, you provide advertising space on your website in which the products of one (or more) dealers are advertised. A link to the respective product is stored in this advertisement, the so-called affiliate link.

With the appropriate parameters within the affiliate link, the affiliate (in this case you) can be clearly identified by the merchant and, depending on the resulting action of a referral customer or remuneration model, is credited with a commission.

Here you can earn money online relatively well and quickly, provided you have your own website with a corresponding number of visitors.

At first glance, only very large websites with strong manpower seem to be able to earn money on the Internet with it. 

But you can also earn money with it by working from home. Once you have created a website and supplied it with a lot of traffic, the income runs almost by itself.

Alternative to your own website

In addition to the classic form of affiliate marketing, as an operator of your own website, there is also the option of implementing affiliate links using email marketing (newsletters) or in social networks such as Twitter.

The good thing about affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to worry about the products being sold. 

That means, you sell products and get the commission for it. Your affiliate partner will take care of the rest, such as support, guarantees, shipping, etc.

Find out more about  making money with affiliate marketing here

11. Sell your photos

With the so-called stock photography you can earn money as a hobby photographer. Sell ​​your image rights online to microstock portals. 

It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance. In return you can look forward to a real passive income afterwards. 

Find out how this works and what to look out for here. How to make money from your photos on the Internet

12. Selling your own books over the Internet – eBooks

Your own eBook is an excellent opportunity to make money online. It is relatively easy for writers to market a book these days. 

You no longer need a publisher and you save quite a bit of money. Nevertheless, you should make a few thoughts about your eBook in advance.

Choosing the right topic

On your first attempt, it makes sense to choose a topic with which you can identify so that you don’t lose your fun at work too early. 

Once you have developed a certain routine, you can choose topics that many people experience a lot of stress about. 

The probability of making money with an eBook increases significantly. Diet, health or (online) making money are classic examples here.

It sounds unfair, but an overweight or unemployed woman, for example, suffers more than someone who wants to plant a greenhouse. 

They are probably more willing to spend money on an eBook. However, if a topic completely misses your interests, you better keep your hands off it!

Research your topic – start a search on Amazon

  • How many eBooks are there on your topic?
  • What ranks do they occupy on the Amazon bestseller list?
  • What is the average price?
  • Are there many reviews of the individual titles?
  • Are you competitive in your subject?

You can find a helpful collection of links all about creating and marketing e-books here: Creating and marketing e-books

13. Make money online – YouTube as a source of income

Youtube is one of the most visited websites worldwide today. Due to its immense popularity, Youtube can be used very well to earn money online.

There are several possibilities for that:

Make Money On The Internet

On the one hand, you can look around in affiliate networks or partner programs for a suitable product that you would later like to integrate into your video as an advertisement. 

The given product information can be easily integrated into your video and you will later receive a commission for each product sold, which is between 10-50%.

Or you can link your YouTube channel with your Adsense account and activate advertisements in or next to the created video. 

Every advertisement you click will then be credited to your Adsense account.

Now all you have to do is decide on a topic and make an interesting video. You can easily do this with your digital camera or mobile phone. 

Free programs such as Windows Movie Maker are ideal for subsequent editing.

You can find more information on the topic here:  Earning money with YouTube

14. Job in online marketing

Are you dissatisfied with your job and want to try something new?

People are always wanted in online marketing. You will certainly not receive a particularly high salary at the beginning; you will probably even have to start as an intern. 

Of course, things look different if you have previous knowledge of the field.

You can find many jobs in the online marketing area at, for example.

Do you want to work as a freelancer or self-employed? Then take a look at the following professions:

  • Web designer
  • SEO (search engine optimizer)
  • Copywriter
  • online editor
  • Social media manager


Tips and motivation for a good start!

Before you start

You should answer the following questions for yourself before you start making money on the Internet:

  • How much time can or do you want to invest?
  • Are you ready to continue your education?
  • What do you want to make money online with?

Really think about it carefully. It is very annoying when you only realize after 1-2 years that you have invested your time completely wrongly. 

The simple question is: Would you like to invest all your free time and build a passive income ? Or would you just like to sacrifice an hour here and there and earn money quickly ?

Hands off! – You won’t make any money on the internet with it

How to Not Make Money on the Internet: Casino Strategies (Martingale Strategy, D’Alembert System, Paroli System, Parlay System, etc.). We have all tested and none has led to long-term success, making money on the Internet is not possible this way.

On every corner of the internet you can read that you can earn money online by playing in the casino. Very often one comes across eBook offers that allegedly contain infallible strategies.

Here you just have to ask yourself one question: Why is someone trying to make money with an eBook when he knows exactly how to make tons of money in the casino?

One thing should be clear to you, big money cannot be made with casino tricks. 

Of course you can get lucky and win, but once you play strategically and consistently, there is a very good chance that you will lose a lot of money. 

The casino scam, where you get € 20, € 50 or even € 100 for free at the beginning, also serves only one purpose, you should be tempted to risk your own money.

Just remember: Many promise that you can make money online with casino tricks, but the truth is different. 

A casino is just a company that wants to make a profit, no money is given away there. And if it were actually that easy, everyone would do it. 

So just leave it alone and instead look for reputable ways to make money on the Internet!

Please keep your hands off that:

  • Online game casinos
  • Promises of returns that are well above the customary interest rate – here you should be well aware of the high risk for your capital
  • Software or promises that will get you rich overnight

No pain no gain

You probably know this from your own experience: Even though you work hard day in and day out, you don’t make enough money to make ends meet.

That is why you are looking for a lucrative part-time job at home.

You should say goodbye to the thought of making a lot of money overnight and with zero effort, that is not possible on the Internet either. Even if some black sheep promise something different.

There are dubious providers who lure with promises of several hundred euros a day, and that with minimal effort. You should always and without exception be ripped off.

Because the old rule also applies when making money on the Internet: “Without diligence, no price!”

Anyone Can Make Money Online?

In principle, anyone with a computer with an Internet connection can make money online. Of course, there are some age restrictions. 

Participation in online surveys is generally only permitted from the age of 14.

A separate website with a commercial background (profit intention), whereby “private” pages with advertising are already classified as commercial by the legislator, is only allowed from the age of 18.

If you want to make money online, you are not bound by any specific guidelines. 

You determine the time and place of your home work yourself. You are practically your own boss. 

Your success depends very much on how much time you can / want to invest in your new task.

But even with just one hour a day you can already make money on the Internet. 

The very clear advantage is that you can work from home and do not have to go to great lengths.

Work Plan to Make Money Online

The 10 advantages of working from home at a glance:

  1. Earning money online without much effort is possible
  2. Open time-management
  3. Location-independent work, e.g. in the garden, in a café or when traveling
  4. With the right method, you build a permanently growing passive income
  5. Done consistently, in time you can become your own boss
  6. You can afford more or you can put money back
  7. Your “safe” job is no longer that important
  8. You gain new skills
  9. You keep evolving
  10. Working without pressure

Earn A Lot Of Money Online Fast – Is It Possible?

In this day and age, almost everyone wants to make a huge amount of money as quickly as possible. 

In addition, it should not only be quick, but with as little effort as possible. Without any risk, of course, but lots of money.

At first glance, they just don’t match, but unfortunately at second glance, neither! Anyone who has worked for their money in their life knows that too. 

The whole thing also applies to making money online. Anyone who thinks they can make a lot of money on the Internet in a hurry is completely wrong!

Earning money online is neither easy nor quick. However, there are a few key differences to the offline world. 

On the one hand there are the much more flexible working hours, on the other hand there are really almost unlimited possibilities open to everyone.

Can you really make money online on the internet?

There is only one short and simple answer to this: Yes! Many people earn their living online or supplement their household budget with online work.

Much more important is the question: Can you also make money on the Internet? 

Should it only be a few euros on the side with online surveys, paid mails, social networks, advertising, or be a copywriter? 

Or do you want to really invest work in your own website with Adsense and Affliliate Marketing? Or would you prefer your own eBook, a career as an Ebay seller or a successful Youtuber?

With diligence and perseverance, all paths are open to you, the possibilities and opportunities are almost unlimited. One last thing. If an offer sounds too good to be true, then keep your hands off it!