The topic of making money on social networks or with Social Media is gaining popularity today. In this post we will talk about a Social Media Exchange site that your earn money for doing some simple activities.

These activities will be to like a post or page or fan page, comments, and follow on Facebook, Instargram, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites.

Read Also : Earn Money without Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Do you know even a Facebook user with 5000 friends does not have many opportunities to earn money directly from publishing and sharing posts, likes and comments.

Let’s take a look at what options are for working on social networks or Social Media Exchange and how much you can earn money from it.

We all have a social media accounts such as Facebook, Instargram, Twitter, YouTube. We will move from simple options that do not require a lot of experience on the Internet.

Options to Earn Money Online with Social Media Exchange sites and Social Network account

  • Idea 1. Performing simple tasks in the social networks (like, comments, etc.)
  • Idea 2. Moderation of groups and publics
  • Idea 3. Earning on your own group
  •  Idea 4. Sharing link ( affiliate link) on you Social Media account
  • Idea 5. Online Survey linked with your social account

Idea 1. Performing simple tasks in the social networks (like, comments, etc.)

There are sites that pay money to complete simple tasks on social networks. For example, you can get money for like a fan page , follow the post, joining a group, commenting, etc. Advertisers need this in order to spread their information to users.

Popular sites that pay for such tasks

  1. Everve
  2. Fandealer
  3. Paid Likes

1. Everve

If you are in search of making money online through Social Media Exchange, then Everve is the best place to earn money by exchanging likes , comments and followers. This is more than an exchange that perfect fit for your needs to generate some online income.


Everve has over 100,000 members and company head office is in Bulgaria, Business District, g.k. Mladost 4, Sofia.

Number of the users

Social Media Exchange & Earn Money

Everve allow you to exchange online actions for money. These actions range from following other person on Instagram, Twitter, VK, etc or viewing, liking, subscribing, commenting YouTube videos or any other type of action.

This content most often belongs to other members from Everve platform who are also trying to boost their social proof.

Once you have acquired enough money, you can then exchange them for social engagement on your own links.

Everve even allow you to withdraw these money for CASH but also option to top up your balance if you don’t want to spend time performing actions. Minimum withdrawal is $10.

Platform Everve also will help you to grow your online business, personal blogs and social media networks by increasing website traffic, search engine rankings, and getting free social media signals from genuinely users.

Everve Earning Activities

Social Media Exchange & Earn Money


Social Media Exchange & Earn Money



Social Media Exchange & Earn Money


Social Media Exchange & Earn Money

Why should I Join Everve

The simple, intuitive and powerful Social Media Exchange platform where you can help or be helped.

Start today for free and become a part of community of like-minded members

How does Everve work

It is very simple. You just login and complete tasks on the platform and you will get money.

How to Join Everve

Easy to start with Everve and there is no complication in being a member. Click Everve to join and it will be navigated to everve registration page.

You can signup with your google account or make registration with your email id. An email related to registration you will receive. Open you email and confirm the registration. Join Now

Everve Daily Contests to earn more money

You will receive daily bonuses to your balance for active participating in daily contests. There are three types of contests as performers, advertisers, referrers.

  1. Performers contest, awards are distributed depending on the number of completed tasks for the day (only 3 awards).
    • 1st place: 1$
    • 2nd place: 0.5$
    • 3rd place: 0.25$
  2. Advertisers contests, awards are distributed depending on the amount spent on advertising (only 3 awards).
    • 1st place: +5% of the advertising spent per day
    • 2nd place: +3% of the advertising spent per day
    • 3rd place: +1% of the advertising spent per day
  3. Referrers contest, awards are distributed depending on the total affiliate fee earned this day (only 3 awards).

    • 1st place: +10% of affiliate fee (advertising spend + performers earnings of your affiliates) per day
    • 2nd place: +5% of affiliate fee (advertising spend + performers earnings of your affiliates) per day
    • 3rd place: +3% of affiliate fee (advertising spend + performers earnings of your affiliates) per day

Awarding of winners takes place at 23:59 CET (Central European Time, +2GMT) every day.

2. Paidlikes

You can earn money by liking other Facebook fan pages on this platform. Registering through your Facebook profile is very easy.

After registration, you will be shown a list of all sorts of favorites task. You get 1-3 points per point, 1 point equals 1 cent.

Up to 40 likes per day can be clicked.

In addition, you can earn money by recommending your referral link to your friends, you receive 10% of your referral-like earnings.

Payment is possible via PayPal or bank transfer and a 250 point credit can be requested. The minimum return is Euro 5.

Earning Opportunity :

Facebook Exchange likes 2 cents
Paid Facebook likes up to 5%
Payment of 5. 5.00 via PayPal and bank transfer within 24 hours.
Only Facebook is possible
Referral Bonus for Life 10%

Read: List of websites or platform to Make Money with Social Media

Idea 2. Moderation of groups and publics

You can get a job with the authors of popular communities as a moderator or author of posts. 

In the first case, you will need to check that all community members comply with the rules and take action against violators. 

In the second case, you will need to prepare content (texts, photographs) for publication in the group.

You can find a job as a moderator or post author by contacting the owners of popular communities directly. 

It will be good practice for you before starting your own groups. You can also look for such work on freelance exchanges and on our bulletin board .

Idea 3. Earning on your own group

If you manage to create and promote a high-quality community (group or public), then you can make money by placing ads in it. 

For example, VKontakte has an internal advertising exchange, which automatically includes the most popular groups and publics. 

If you make a popular public, you don’t even have to look for advertisers. They themselves will go to you through the exchange.

There are also special sites where you can find clients for advertising. An example of such a site: .

There are several options for advertising in groups:

  • Repost the advertiser’s record;
  • Placement of an advertising post, the text of which was provided by the client;
  • Placement of a link to the advertiser in the “Links” block in the group. Typically, the link is posted monthly;
  • Conducting contests with the participation of an advertiser;
  • Other options and special projects.

Please note that social networks have specific requirements for ads placed in groups and publics, as well as regulate the number of ads. You cannot break these rules.

Idea 4. Earnings on affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are not new to the Internet. Now they have appeared on social networks. 

If you have a community, you can take part in various affiliate programs. 

They can be very different. I recommend you to join Cost Per Action program. For example, Mylead and Maxbounty

How to choose a reliable affiliate program?

Make sure that the minimum withdrawal amount is not very high – ideally no more than 500 rubles. 

When you connect to the program, keep track of how money is accumulating on the balance. 

If time passes, but there are no receipts, such an affiliate program is pointless.

There are also various kinds of foreign affiliate programs. But they have a big drawback – it is difficult to withdraw money. 

If you participate in a foreign affiliate program, then most likely you will have to spend money in foreign online stores, because all the same it will not work to withdraw to Russia.

Idea 5. Online Survey linked with your social account

There is another option for making money on Facebook and other social networks.

If you create a popular and interesting group, then you can invite your members to join market research company. Both you and your members will earn money.

You can find companies for market research here. Register with these market research company. Share your link in the group.

More Social Media Exchange & Earn Money

Today, social media is affecting every aspect of our lives and businesses. It’s crazy that we easily get away from social media with attention and conversation. Social media has had some very positive effects in a number of areas, such as employment, empowerment and of course making money online.

You will also get free followers, likes, plays, views, upvotes, comments and much more on your favorite social media network if you are struggling to grown your social media channel and organic visitors for websites.

Once you have the followers, it will open the other doors of income.