11 Easy Freelance Jobs That Make Money

Freelance Jobs That Make Money

Freelance Jobs are a good option for part-time works that make money to you. You can do these jobs from home without any investment. Currently, many companies are advertising temporary jobs due to the current situation of COVID.

In addition, there are many influencer and induvial small business owners subletting their small works to freelancers. It saves time and money. This has opened the door to freelance jobs over the internet.

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Refresh Your Skills

People who want to find freelance jobs to make money online should take into account that the income will not be large in the first few months. At this time, the beginner gains experience gets several regular customers and creates a portfolio.

Freelance jobs are a kind of remote jobs that anyone can work remotely. But in order to achieve success and get a decent income, you need to have some special character traits. It is necessary to comply with many requirements for yourself.

Here is a minimal list of qualities:

  • Basic knowledge of time management.
  • Ability to organize your day so that your productivity as much
  • Constant self-development by reading books and articles, watching videos about the profession.
  • Always have a desire to learn new things
  • Preparedness for hungry days. Freelance earnings are sometimes unstable
  • Tough self-discipline and ability to complete the task on time
  • Minimum knowledge in the chosen fields or area of the work

List of 10 Easy Freelance Jobs that make money for you

Some freelance jobs required excellent skills, communication, and knowledge specially. In this post will see the less skills required freelance jobs. Even a beginner can do it easily and make money from it.

1. Market Research

An easy freelance job that you can make money by participating in market research activities. No skills and knowledge are required for this kind of freelance jobs.

Your work will be here to give your opinion to companies on the product which you have used or intend to use in the future.

Freelance Jobs That Make Money

Probably, you have heard about this. In other words, you can say it is a kind of survey work. You just give answers to questions and get paid for it.

These market research surveys are conducted in the English language and local language too. Sometimes survey language depends on the region where you are residing. List of Market Research Companies to make money.

2. Writing Reviews or comments

If you can formulate your English skills into writing good reviews, then you can make money with this easy freelance job at home.

You cannot make a lot of money by this freelance job. You will have to work on the style and uniqueness of the comments.

Working with this method you will be writing reviews on various topics. This can be reviews about products, services, shops, cafes and restaurants, movies, video games, etc.

3. Data Entry

One of the easy freelance jobs that you can make money from it. There is high competition for this Job in the market.

Freelance Jobs That Make Money

You must be stand out with some specific skills. Data entry jobs cover many works areas such as captcha typing, data collection, typing word files, etc. Example of some data entry type work

  • typing
  • data processing
  • compilation of tables
  • formatting of documents, entering information into a database, making calculations, etc.
  • Transfer of data with primary medical documentation to the electronic systems of the Customer
  • Timely response to the Customer’s requests for data clarification (Query)
  • Fulfillment of orders of the head within the framework of the project.
  • Typing from a scan, photographs, pdf files, manuscripts

4. Rewriting

Rewriting is a retelling of the text in your own words; in reality, it is a presentation. At the same time, there should be no factual mistakes, distortions of facts, or additions of personal opinion to the article.

It is very expensive to write a professional article “from scratch” based on the author’s personal experience.

As a result, many website owners search for useful articles on other websites. They order freelance rewriters to rewrite these articles for them. So, they get new content without infringing on the rights of others.

To become a rewriter, it is enough to have a good command of the language.

You should be able to find synonyms, formulate thoughts in other words with structure information. 

If you plan to work in the international market, it is important to know a foreign language at a minimum B2 level. You can have a look at the article What is rewriting and how to do it?

Initial rewriting rates are low – on average, from 20 rubles to 40 rubles per 1000 characters.

However, an experienced rewriter can write up to 20,000 characters a day, By which you can earn 600-800 rubles per day even at low prices.

5. Transcription or Transcriber

A skill-based easy freelance job that you can make money. As a Transcriptionist or Transcriber, you need to translate audio or video files into text. 

Freelance Jobs That Make Money

It is a demanded freelancing service. It does not require any specific skill, except for fast typing.

As a Transcriber you work will be to reproduce information from audio or video in text format. This is the essence of this way of making money online.

Beginners can earn 0.10 $ to 0.25 $ per minute for a transcript. Freelancers with experience start with more. For example, a transcript of an hour-long interview or speech can cost 15 $ to 18$.

6. Search Engine Evaluator

Search Engine Evaluator is another easy freelance job that can make money for you. You work will be here to find relevant search as per the work instruction.

Sometimes you need to visit google or bing search engine and check out the result of the keyword. Whether the keyword had given the right search or somehow similar.

Accordingly, you must complete the work. There are sites that you can work as a Search Engine Evaluator and make money.

7. Video & Audio Editing

These kinds of freelance jobs are in high demand. It is another skills-based job which you can learn in a month. 

If you are good at video editing, then you can become Professional Video & Audio Editor.  You also can make money from the comfort of your home.

The big advantage that video and audio editors have is the trend towards remote work. Unlike a director, an editor can work and earn money from anywhere.

The great advantage of this type of freelance jobs is that clients are always looking for good video or audio editing specialists.

Nowadays, even a beginner can shoot video, but professional processing requires appropriate knowledge.

And the same applies to audio content processing. With the rise of video marketing, the demand for high-level professionals will only grow.

8. Designer

The profession of a designer is to create graphic information. There is surge of this kind of freelance jobs over the internet.  

This is a creative profession that requires certain skills. Being a Designers, your work will be to create logos, banners, advertisements, brochures, calendars, etc.

You can also do illustrations work for articles and books. This also includes interior designers and landscape specialists.

Specialists Designer receive from 100 to 200 $, and newcomers can reach an income of 50 $. 

You can learn the profession on your own. But experience in similar fields or a complete education as a designer is desirable.

As a beginner designer you can offer the below tasks:

  • Logo creation
  • Make a banner
  • Leaflet design
  • Make a gif – 300
  • Photo retouch – 250
  • Creation of vector pictures

9. Email Marketing

Email Marketing is an easy freelancing profession among freelance jobs that you can make money. You can learn this skill within a week.

An email marketer is someone who designs and distributes different email campaigns.

This specialist’s sole responsibility is to inform and extend the client base on new developments. The salary of an e-mail marketer very good.

10. Social Media Management

Social media management is the next freelancing work you can do.

The job of an SMM specialist is becoming increasingly common. It’s ideal for aspiring young freelancers.

An SMM specialist assists in the promotion of a product or brand on social media platforms such as Facebook, Moy Mir, Twitter, and Instagram etc.

The SMM manager decides how and where the brand will be marketed. Which social networks to use, and how to build an impression of a product or service.

Advertising agencies, members of medium and large companies, and studios are the primary clients of such freelancers.

To work in the field of product marketing, you must have an analytical mentality.

You also to be familiar with the features of social networks. And must be proficient in psychology and sociology. You should be able to produce appealing content that potential consumers can find appealing.

Another job is to respond to feedback or messages from time to time. You will create the graphic and upload it yourself.

It all depends on the customer. What expertise do they need to be a social media manager? You should be familiar with social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

11. Translator

If you know the languages, you can always act as a translator remotely. A translator is a professional who translates data from one language into another.

An individual with advanced education may become a specialist in this field. To own a computer, you must also be proficient in business communication and etiquette.

The work can be found on freelance exchanges or English-language websites. The primary qualifications for a translator are translation or interpretation abilities, as well as translation of documents, letters, and other texts.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

How to Properly Setup a Freelance Job?

At the very start of freelancing, you need to give yourself answers to financial questions.
First, you need to understand how much money you need to earn so that the quality of life does not change.
Determining this amount will make it possible to understand how many orders must be fulfilled per day/week/month.
When the chosen approach allows you to reach an income comparable to the salary in the office, then you need to move to a new price level.
Experienced freelancers recommend striving not to increase the volume, but to increase the cost of one hour of your work. If the profitability is not growing, then it is time to change the strategy.

What are the highest paying freelance jobs?

Here is the list of highest-paying freelance jobs that you can do and make money online.
Programming (IT and software development),
Design, Marketing,
TranslatorText editor
Site administrator 
Content manager 
Call Center Operator 
HR specialist
Video editor
Tutor / Personal Trainer
Voice actor
Technical support specialist 
Personal assistant 
Online accountant 

What freelance jobs are in high demand?

Freelance jobs are a great alternative way to make money part-time.
1. Web programming
2. Website design
3. Copywriting and rewriting
4. Translators
5. Printing design
6. Development of logos
7. Design for games
8. Design of interiors and exteriors
9. SEO (SEO)
10. Corporate identity

Best Freelance Websites for Freelancer to Find Jobs

Freelance websites are online marketplaces where work seekers and employers can post job openings. Here are the lists of Best Freelance Websites for Freelancer to Find Jobs

  1. Upwork
  2. Fiverr
  3. Guru
  4. Freelancer.com
  5. PeoplePerHour
  6. We Work Remotely
  7. Toptal
  8. SolidGigs
  9. Aquent
  10. Simply Hired

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