How To Make Money From Article Writing Easily

Make Money From Article Writing

Writing articles and selling them is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Everything that is required to work, and you can learn by on your own way.

You can check out my article : 8 Tips on How to Become a Writer

If you follow my advice, you will be able to make your first money on the internet in a few days. To start earning faster, read the article carefully to the end.

Who buys or purchase articles and why?

There are two kinds of customers looking for articles on the Internet:

  • Site owners. They need to keep publishing new articles to keep interest of existing audience in their website and grow new audience. To maintain this, it is important for them that the articles are interesting, well-structured, and unique.
  • SEO specialists. They are involved in the promotion of websites in search engines. For this they need a special type of content, texts optimized for SEO. Check out how to write SEO-optimized texts

You can find customers in social networks group, specialized forums where webmasters communicate. By working directly with a client, you bear all of the risks, including the risk of not getting paid for a job done.

You can also work on freelance writing platform who looks for copywriters. These are certain websites where orders for articles are published. The task is done through a service that ensures payment for well-written articles.

Type of article writing works to make money from it

You can do the following types of online writing works and make money by doing these activities.

  • Rewriting
  • Copywriting
  • Translation of texts
  • Comments on posts in social networks and blogs, sites


Rewrite is a retelling of published articles. We can also say that it is an art to writing the same article in our own words. Sample and materials are provided by customer. It’s easy to start and grow a writing business.

Start with rewriting texts for beginners who want to make money writing article. Starting and growing a business is relatively easy. Rewriting is an excellent way to earn money online as a freelancer. After gaining the requisite first-hand experience, you can move on to a more difficult assignment – copyright.

Get your first rewriting job here:


Copywrite Writing

Writing unique (author) texts on a specific topic for a customer is called a copywriter.

These contents can be advertisements, presentations, or promotions for a single company, service, or product. There are also tasks to create a briefing or review article that fully discloses the problem.

This type of text does not contain an open advertising message. These are written in such a way that potential customers are interested in the customer.

Find copyright writing job here:


Translation of texts

In the past and in the present, there has always been a need for translators. Translating the texts is also a kind of paperwork.

You can also do it online. Your job is to simply translate the text into the other language requested by the customer. You must have experience in any foreign language, for example English German, English-Hindi, or Hindi-English etc.

You can find text translation jobs here. Just search and apply and start making money freelance writing online.

Writing comments and posts in social networks

Writing comments on blogs and about product is an easy way to make money from writing. This is a good opportunity to earn your first money by any investments.

Get Paid to Write Comments is ideal for novices who lack the necessary abilities in 2021. All you need to know is what a comment is and how to write it correctly. Next step is where you can make money from commenting.

Lists of sites where you can make money as a freelance writer online by leaving comments on blogs and websites in 2021.

How much can you make from writing article?

The starting price level is 0.10 $ to 0.40 $ per thousand characters. You can write about 10 thousand characters a day, so to begin with you can earn about 5$ a day.

Competent authors quickly find regular customers, which allows you to increase the price of texts. The earning for experienced writers starts from 1.5$ per 1000 characters. So, you can get about 13 $ a day.

The copywriters who work directly with clients can earn from 6-10 $ per 1000 characters. One article can bring the writer several thousand dollars.

What do you need to know to start making money from writing article?

Most of the clients have the following text requirements:

  • Sophisticated design and structure.
  • Interesting and informative content.
  • A lack of “water,” i.e. information with no semantic load.
  • There are no spelling or punctuation problems.
  • Originality or Uniqueness, i.e. the article should not contain quotations from other works published on the Internet. All sentences should be written entirely in your own words, with no quotations from other articles.
  • SEO professionals require articles to be optimized for specific queries. Read this article to understand how to optimize text read this article. It may appear difficult at first, but in reality, you’ll figure it out quickly.

As you can see, simply being literate is sufficient to begin earning money from writing articles for websites. Here are some tips to help you write better and faster articles:

1. Understand what copywriting is and how it is differs from rewriting. This will help you in understanding your customers’ text requirements.

2. Learn to quickly look for information on the Internet. When writing articles, use a variety of sources, such as encyclopedias, YouTube videos, and material from specialized forums. This will help you in filling the articles with relevant information.

3. Make a Writing plan. Writing an article with a plan is considerably easier and faster than writing an article without plan.

4. Get master in the most common text genres such as articles, advertising texts, posts for a group or public, texts about a firm, messages for product cards.

5. Avoid stylistic mistakes while writing.

6. Learn how to insert keywords into text discreetly using tips from the article on text SEO optimization.

After reading this article, you already know more than many writers know. You will find it easier to write good texts and receive positive feedback from customers.

How to make money from writing articles on freelance platform?

Freelance platforms are marketplace where you can find writing orders. In order to start earning with the freelance platform need to register with them. The following are the terms of cooperation with clients using such sites:

1. You sign up for the platform.

2. You can see the list of orders in the feed. Some assignments may be available to authors with a certain rating level.

3. Apply for orders that interest you. When the customer picks you, do the job and send the finished item over the exchange.

4. If the clients accept the content or article, you will receive money to your account balance.

5. Transfer your funds from your account to an electronic wallet, bank card, or similar device.

If a customer likes your work, he can provide good feedback and place personal orders with you.

Many services feature ready-made article stores where you can upload your content at your own cost. You will profit if someone purchases your text.

Some Popular Freelance Platform to make money from writing article


ProBlogger is a solid online job board where you can look for writing work. This site is somehow Upwork but in Problogger only writing work. Job posted on ProBlogger to be long-term or permanent positions, rather than simply writing one or two articles.

Any one can apply and can start make money from his writing skills. Earning start at $0.05 per word. You have to undergo an application process. Just create an account and apply jobs.


Textbroker is another great article writing sites where you can start making a lot of money as professional writers. For me, it is a great writing site that provide huge scope for a writer to grow. They They have great reputations in this industry.

These are orders that are listed for anyone to write and get paid by TextBroker based on the quality of their writing.


Freelancer is another writing sites to make money from writing article. They have projects in practically every category available. Every day, new writing projects are being added to the list.

As a result, there is a plentiful supply of article writing jobs. As a beginner writer, it will be challenging to get started, but once you have completed a few tasks, you will receive better responses to your bids.

Webmasters and SEO experts frequent visit these freelance sites. It restricts the minimum order value, which reduces dumping among performers.

How to start making money from writing article faster?

Many people register on freelance platform but cannot find orders for several reasons. In this part of the article, I am going to tell you what you need to do to quickly receive orders for writing article and start earning:

  1. When registering on the site, enter your real name and surname. Customers are confused by unreal nicknames.
  • Fill out the profile as completely as possible, including your photo. This will increase trust in your account.
  • A variety of services provide tests. Take a literacy test, the results of which will be shown in your profile. Take tests so that clients may determine your degree of professionalism. Copywriters who pass tests can earn extra money.
  • Do not write texts on any subject. Choose topics that you are well-versed in. Make a note of the topics in which you specialize in your profile. You should not select too many themes; instead, indicate 3-5.
  • If you speak a foreign language, make sure to mention it in your profile. Customers may need to consult material in a foreign language from time to time. As a result, they are looking for specialists who can comprehend texts written in different languages.
  • Always meet deadlines and do a good job.
  • The first orders can be taken at low prices. The main thing at the start is to get positive feedback, and for this an order with any payment is suitable.
  • Try to please the client so that he starts working with you constantly and makes personal orders.


As you can see, making money writing article online is not very difficult. This work is suitable for any literate person who can write an interesting text full of useful information.

But it is important not just to register on any sites or write a proposal for cooperation on the webmaster forums. It is necessary to follow certain recommendations so that site owners start working with you and you quickly have regular customers.

I wish you success and high earnings on your articles!

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