15 Online Side Jobs That You Can Start Now for Extra Money

online side jobs for extra money

Technology especially Internet has opened a path for the people who are looking for online side jobs to make extra money together with their normal work. There are many online jobs that you can start immediately from the day one. These all jobs are internet based which you can do it online from home for making extra money.

So, if you’re the person that always likes a side rush or you’re in the process of working and looking for ways to make money until your next full-time gig, we’ve compiled a list of 15 side hustle ideas all from remote.

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List of 15 Online Side Jobs to earn Extra Money

1. Job as a Micro Tasker

Relatively easy online side job without skills which you can do. Working with microtasks allows you to start earning money online right away. You can complete small tasks as a microjobber by using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. This is completely a parttime job.

Clickworker, the most popular microjobs portal, has millions of users. If you want to become a Clickworker, this is the best place to start because it is one of the most straightforward online jobs from home. Each task you will get between 0.50 and 5 euros.

Amazon mechanical turk is another good platform which offer micro jobs but difficult to get registered and earn money online. Here is list of mechanical turk to start making money as Micro Tasker.

Your Job as a Micro Tasker – You can do simple things like internet research, text writing, and photographing items in the supermarket or elsewhere. These tasks are simple to complete and do not require much time. In most cases, no prior knowledge is required.

Skills you need – You should be able to read English at the very least in order to understand the job. There is no prerequisite knowledge required and no special skill to start this online side jobs.

How much can you earn – Depending on the nature of the work and the tasks, you will earn between € 0.50 and € 5 per job. I work for several micro job sites and earn around $100 per month. This is purely extra income together with your salary.

You must stay and review your tasks section on a regular basis if you want to make this much money. Micro jobs are simply another way to supplement your income online. Here’s proof of my earnings from day one. Complete guide on how to make money online with microtasks.

Relate Articles:

2. Usability Testing Job / Testing websites Job

This a skill free online side jobs that will help you to earn extra money. I suppose you know the website and how to use and browse it. It is kind of website testing job.

As a usability tester, you will be responsible for determining the proper functionality of all tabs and pages and advising the client. See how simple the tasks are and how you may complete them from the comfort of your own home.

It is merely a bug report to the owner of the website or program. The same is true for apps. Do you already have a basic understanding of the role of a usability tester? As a potential user, you should assist companies in determining where and how a website, software, or app may be enhanced.

The beautiful part about this side hustle is that there are numerous kind of testing work you can do.

Your Job as usability tester

Companies aim to help customers through their website or application. There is no point in having a website or app if the usability is bad and customers are dissatisfied with it.

This is where you come in. You test websites and apps to see where improvements can be made. Similarly, you explain this to the businesses.

You may have some programming and application experience. What you must understand is how to detect bugs on websites. By looking for bugs, you’ll be able to master it in a month. You may have been requested to test the app and provide feedback on its usability and functionality.

Because testing is such a complex task, the pay for testers is also extremely expensive. It is usual to earn $10 to $15 per hour with these basic online jobs from home.

Such profits are established by the platform on which you will be operating. If you pass numerous examinations, you will be paid a three-figure wage each month.

3. Video Editing Job

The job of video editing is in high demand and do not need your full time. This is a good online side jobs among others with less skills to make extra money. As a video editor you can perform the below works:

  • Selection of the most promising fragments from the footage
  • slicing
  • connecting numerous video fragments
  • creating transitions
  • adding musical compositions, titles, name, and signatures
  • money on youtube video editing

Video Editing is in high demand across a wide range of industries. For example, on television, in the film industry, in advertising, in the event industry (editing wedding and corporate event videos), and in other industries. A video editor’s job has been in high demand since the development of video equipment.

Required skills and knowledge to start working as a Video Editor
  • Cutting fragments of the plot.
  • Staging frames.
  • Adding special effects.
  • Sound overlay.
  • Synchronization of sound and picture.
  • Compilation of titles, presentation texts.

4. Social Media Manager Job

Another online side jobs over the internet to start working immediately. These jobs are in demand as companies are promoting their products on social media. If you are familiar with social media, you could offer your services to small businesses who are not yet ready to hire a full-time social media manager. 

Show your ability to engage with followers by replying nicely to comments and messages, figuring out the best time of day to post, and providing original and entertaining content.

5. Language Translation Job

A real and easy online side jobs which could be started quickly to make extra money if you speak more than one language. You can use this very marketable skill to get a side gig online.

Because online translation jobs can be available where you can either translate text or talk, it can be a suitable position regardless of whether you want to be vocal.

List of some sites to find translation jobs on the internet:

Where to look for translation work online:

6. Transcriber or Transcription job

Transcriber a typing based online side jobs if you are interested to earn money online and fast cash.

Transcription job might be challenging to learn, but once you do, you’ll be able to earn a respectable living from the comfort of your own home.

The duty of a virtual transcriptionist is to listen to audio clips or videos and write down everything that have been said.

It may appear simple at first, but it can rapidly become complicated. You must concentrate despite bad sound quality and type rapidly enough to keep up with the audio speed.

Even though you will need to practice transcription more than others, it is a skill that anyone with the correct equipment can master. Here is the list of sites where you can find Transcriber or Transcription job easily.

7. Online Teaching or Tutor

You may utilize the Internet effectively to teach online lessons from home. You can teach english language too. These days, you can teach lessons using Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, and other free programs.

If you are particularly good at a subject, you can offer your services as an instructor. Search for tutoring jobs and apply using the job websites listed below.

  • Indeed
  • Monster
  • Craiglist
  • Glassdoor

You will tutor students as an online teacher. Even after you’ve graduated, you can use your knowledge to assist others in school and learning. You can teach English together with other language.

One significant advantage of this online job is that you do not have to be present on-site to provide instruction. Courses are increasingly being delivered remotely and through video conferencing.

At the very least, you have a degree and teaching experience in your field of expertise. There are options for teaching lower-level students online. Many schools and organizations are now looking for this role.

The amount you earn is determined by your talents and the subject you teach pupils. Working as a part-time teacher can earn you roughly $300.

8. Consulting

I am doing consulting work as side online job and making extra money every month. I am a HR consultant. In my opinion, consulting is the best online jobs among others.

It might take some time for you to start this consulting job. I am treating this consulting job as business ideas.

If you are an expert in any field, you could potentially get people paid for advice on certain issues in their business.

You may think that you are not a professional enough to provide consulting services to a big company. But when you know how you can become an online expert and what kind of advice and suggestions people can give.

Popular bloggers, for example, are frequently hired by huge corporations as experts in social media and internet marketing.

9. Virtual Assistant Job

Do you have the capacity to manipulate strings, the organizational abilities to handle multitasking, and home access to a computer and a phone? You may then work as a virtual assistant.

You can make money by providing your services to businesses. It’s some form of online skill-based work from home.

The role of the virtual assistant is expanding and becoming more prominent. As a Virtual Assistant, you can work from home for clients all around the world.

A virtual assistant takes over a person’s responsibilities so that he can focus on other things. The term “virtual” refers to the fact that the assistance is not physically there but acts remotely.

Making calls, scheduling appointments, managing a database, planning meetings, data input, and so on are examples of activities.

10. Survey Taker or Completing Polls

Offline polls are no longer used by market research companies or businesses. As a result, online surveys have emerged as a viable option for people seeking earn money online.

Answering Survey is a straightforward online job that can be completed from home. Once you complete it you earn extra money for your opinion.

Surveys assist companies and manufacturers better tailor their products to the needs of their customers. Companies can collect data for a currently available product in order to evaluate its reputation, success, and improve sales.

11. Freelance Writer

If you have any writing skills or know how to write, then Freelance Writer is great option of Online side job to make extra money. It doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or established. For many people, freelancing is a full-time job.

You can start this online job as Content writing in the beginning or rewriting articles. When it comes to how businesses communicate with their customer’s, written material is becoming more popular.

Content writing, whether for social media material, website pages, or essays about specific issues in the industry, can provide a stable side income.

The beautiful part about this side hustle is that there are numerous topics on which you can write.

Where to look for content writing work:

12. Proofreading, Proofreader and Editing Job

Written content is an important part of a company’s public image, and they want it to be flawless. People who have proofreading and editing skills can turn this skill into a profitable side online job. It is high skills side online jobs which help you to make extra money.

If you don’t have a wealth of expertise in these areas, several online courses will help you enhance your skills and earn a side editing job online.

List of sites to look for proofreading and editing jobs:

Good proofreading is essential for the limitless amount of copy that emerges on both print and digital business products.

If you have restricted hours, search for clients who can provide you work ahead of time rather than same-day requirements.

13. Captcha Solving or Typing Jobs

Your task will be to input some words that will be displayed on the screen via images on the computer. It is one of the simplest ways to earn extra money. You will not make a lot of money with captcha work. It is a kind of data entry work with low payout.

If you are skilled at blind typing, this is a good alternative for second income on a daily basis. Working with Captcha is simple since you simply input the same word that is displayed on the screen or desktop.

It is hugely helpful if you can type swiftly without looking at the keyboard. You earn more money this way. Captcha typing jobs do not require any special talents or education.

You can earn between $ 0.35 and $1 every day by entering 1000 captchas. If you work 5 to 6 hours every day, you can easily earn $100 to $200 per month.

Captcha service providers charge $ 0.45 per 1000 images and accept payment by PayPal, Web Money, or Perfect Money.

14. Graphic designer

Graphic Designer is a skill-based work which you can start offering your services as side hustle online. If you have creative skills, put them to use by developing logos, business cards, or stationary designs for small businesses. You may even explore selling branding packages to assist clients in bringing their brand’s vision to reality.

Graphic design is the process of changing and presenting images or getty images. It has a wide range of applications. From advertisements to website design, poster design, and project design, anything is possible.

15. Selling Leads Online

This is not alike selling any stuffs or things online. It is just selling contact details or data to business owners to make money from them. In my point of view a good side online jobs to make extra money together with regular job.

To make money online with this job, you must learn how to collect leads. The basic requirements for this type of activity are to build a website, get traffic to it, and ensure that you are collecting leads that someone is prepared to pay for.

For example, you may design a website for legal services or life insurance. You can use this site to promote your business or just as a link between clients and specialists.

Lead purchasers are typically willing to pay for leads. This way you can establish a good passive income through selling lead via your blog.

Selling personal information on site users may appear immoral, but Western management schools term it a win-win situation because the site owner gets paid, the customer gets new clients. An individuals wanting for information come in touch with those who can help them. Please assist them.

Remember that you can exchange leads in practically any field, not just law. The most important thing is to find your niche, build it with high traffic, and acquire a fair payment for your leads.

16. Sell Your Stuff Online ( Used Items)

Combined your regular job if you are doing with sell stuff online. Many people have a closet’s full of gently used clothes and jewelry that they haven’t worn since 2015.

You can make a side income by selling these goods online. Reduce the chaos in your home while earning some extra money.

Many people have about a closet’s worth of old clothing and jewelry that they haven’t worn since 2015. You can use these items as a side gig by selling them online. Minimize the junk in your home and make some extra cash while doing it.

Place to where to sell items online:

17. Gig Based Online Job on freelancing website

Let say, you can covert PDF to Word, Image Note into Word File, and can remove image background, this kind of work called gig jobs. You can do this specific kind of jobs on freelancing websites.

Freelance work does not have to be your full-time job. The beautiful thing about online freelance gigs is that you have complete discretion over which assignments you accept and which ones you decline.

There is usually a predetermined period that you will be working on the project, so it is not as time consuming as other side jobs.

Furthermore, you are not needed to commit to a specific area or focus but can instead accept gigs in a variety of fields to increase your additional money even further. You can treat gig based freelancing as a weekend job if you do in weekly.

You can check out the below sited for freelance gigs:


Now you have gone through the numerous options for internet online side jobs to make extra money or cash. You may use your spare time to increase your income, whether you want to replace your present fulltime job salary or need a little additional cash to get out of debt.

Online side hustles are ideal for many people because they allow you to work from home and have low start-up costs. You may give a try these incomed ideas at one time.

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